We design, manufacture and supply wide range of inductors /chokes. Power Inductors are used in every electronic system, from a very low power application typically for a hand held device to large kilowatt and megawatt power installations.
Inductors are not only used to store energy, but also to filter out unwanted noise. Together with capacitors, chokes form the filters required to suppress the noise caused by the device as well as to reduce the penetration of line noise. Inductors come in a wide range of constructions. Depending on how they are used in the Electronic circuits, they are known as:
Common Mode Filters, Differential Mode Filters, High Current Inductors, Current Sensors, etc…. Our range of Inductors come in various geometries EE, ET, FT, EP, Toroid, UU, Drum, Rod etc.,
General Features
- Operating ambient temperature: -40 Deg C to +70 °C.
- Maximum winding temperature: +125 °C.
- Varnish impregnation under Atmospheric Pressure / Vacuum.
- UL recognized materials.
- Vertical / Horizontal Mounting, Through Hole / SMD Construction.
- General Inductors wound with round magnet wire Single / Litz Wire and using a gapped ferrite core.
- Flat Coil Inductors to support High Current Density applications.
- Toroid Inductors: Round magnet wire wound on a) Ferrite core for low Ac losses b) Distributed gap powder material cores for High Bsat with Soft Saturation.
- Planar Inductors: High current (>10Arms), low profile, utilizing a ferrite core and Copper plate